
行动警报- 4/24/20

此警告已于四月二十四日透过电邮发送给GFB立法小组行动警告的订阅者, 2020.


4月20日农业+ COVID周

当我们在这个不确定和前所未有的时代中航行时, 乔治亚州农场局(GFB)在这里确保我们的农民准备好面对未来的挑战. 为了协助这项工作,我们创建了一个 网页 that houses an abundance of resources that may be helpful to you during this time.. 一如既往地, 如果我们在这段时间能为您提供帮助,请毫不犹豫地与公共政策部门的任何人联系.



在周五, 4月17日, 美国农业部长桑尼·珀杜和美国农业部宣布了冠状病毒食品援助计划,以帮助农民, 农场主, 以及受COVID-19大流行影响的消费者.

冠状病毒粮食援助计划(CFAP)将使用冠状病毒援助提供的资金和权力, 救援, 和经济安全法案, 家庭第一冠状病毒应对法案(FFCRA), 和其他美国农业部现有的权威机构. The CFAP is made of two components: direct payments to farmers 和 农场主 totaling $16 billion, 还有30亿美元的食品采购和分发.

直接付款将在财政上帮助生产者支付因COVID-19造成的需求损失而产生的额外调整和营销成本. 这笔款项将与实际产量挂钩,并基于农业生产者因价格下跌和供应链中断而遭受的实际损失, i.e.受COVID-19影响的商品销售. 有资格获得付款, a commodity must have declined in price by at least 5% between January 和 April.

Of the $16 billion provided for direct payments to producers, it’s been reported that $9.60亿美元直接用于畜牧业.g., cattle, 乳制品 和 hogs; $3.9 billion is for producers of row crops, such as cotton; $2.1 billion is for specialty crop producers; 和 $500 million is for other crops. 美国农业部尚未确认这笔资金的分配. While these “buckets” of money are current estimates of what may be needed for each industry, 如果一个“桶”需要更多或更少, 美国农业部将酌情将资金转移到最合适的地方. A breakdown of direct payments by commodity can be seen in the graph below.
有关资格的进一步详情, 利率, 其他实现将在晚些时候发布. For a deeper dive into the CFAP, you can view AFBF's Market Intel report by clicking 在这里. 美国农业部的完整新闻稿可在此阅读 在这里.


周二,美国总统奥巴马(barack obama.S. 参议院投票通过了H.R. 266(116),允许额外的4840亿美元的冠状病毒援助. Included in the package is an additional $310 billion towards the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). 

这项两党协议还将允许雇员少于500人的农业企业有资格获得小企业管理局(小企业管理局)的经济损失灾难贷款(EIDL)。, 哪个能提供10美元,000 in advance to businesses that are losing revenue amid the coronavirus p和emic. 立法者和农业组织, including the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) 和 乔治亚州农场局 (GFB), 是否曾要求小企业管理局对法案进行修改,以确保农民和牧场主有资格参加该计划.
“It is encouraging news that we are making another tool available to U.S. 农业生产者通过EIDL项目. Farmers 和 农场主 have suffered economic injury 和 need every bit of help they can get,众议院农业委员会主席迈克·康纳威说。. “这个新的资格, 虽然情况危急, 难道不能代替全面吗, 由农业部全额资助的救济项目.” 

农业和相关产业将获得约4美元.根据中国央行的数据,中国总共需要增加40亿美元的资金 小企业管理局. 众议院预计将于4月23日(周四)进行投票. To keep farmers up to date on the PPP 和 other ag-related COVID-19 concerns, 美国农业部发布了一个常见问题网站,你可以点击进入 在这里.

NOTE: Farmers 和 农场主 should continue consulting with their accountant, 关于PPP和EIDL申请的税务准备人员和/或财务顾问,因为这笔额外的资金将以先到先得的方式提供,并且很快就会用完.


周三, 特朗普总统签署了一项暂停移民进入美国的行政命令,以应对最近因COVID-19大流行而导致的失业率上升. 农业部门的许多人担心,这一暂停将对该行业及其对可靠劳动力来源的需求产生负面影响, much of which comes from the immigrant population in the form of temporary visa 和 H-2A workers.

The following excerpt from the Executive Order outlines immigrants that are exempt from the ban.

The suspension 和 limitation on entry pursuant to section 1 of this proclamation shall not apply to:


(ii) any alien seeking to enter the United States on an immigrant visa as a physician, 护士, or other healthcare professional; to perform medical research or other research intended to combat the spread of COVID-19; 或者执行战斗中必不可少的工作, 康复, 或以其他方式减轻COVID-19疫情的影响, 由国务卿决定, 国土安全部长, 或其各自的指定人;  陪同或跟随该外国人的任何配偶和未满21岁的未婚子女;



(v) any alien who is under 21 years old 和 is the child of a United States citizen, 或者是根据IR-4或IH-4签证类别寻求进入美国的未来被收养人;

(vi) any alien whose entry would further important United States law enforcement objectives, 由国务卿决定, 国土安全部长, 或者他们各自的指定, 根据总检察长或其指定人员的建议;


(viii)任何寻求根据SI或SQ类别的特殊移民签证进入美国的外国人, 但须符合国务卿可能施加的条件, 和 any spouse 和 children of any such individual; or

(九)入境符合国家利益的外国人, 由国务卿决定, 国土安全部长, 或者他们各自的指定.

In addition to the order, United States Department of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue 在推特上 农业工人是免税的.


美国农场局联合会(AFBF)和其他几个担心食品供应链可能中断的组织联合致信特朗普总统,强调肉类加工设施的重要性. 在这封信之前,有越来越多的报道称,由于冠状病毒紧急情况,一些设施要么暂时关闭,要么暂停运营. 你可以读一下这封信的副本 在这里.



接下来是农场恢复整笔拨款项目的截止日期 4月30日星期四.

“我们认识到,过去几周,全州的正常商业运作受到了干扰或改变,布莱克局长说。. “我们希望每个合格的生产商都有机会充满信心地完成他们的申请, while continuing the critical work of providing 食物 和 fiber during these unsettling times.”

Georgia farmers 和 forest l和owners in 95 eligible counties who suffered losses to beef, 乳制品, 水果和蔬菜, 山核桃, 家禽, 木材, 和 uninsured infrastructure are eligible to apply for the recovery program at farmrecovery.com.


乔治亚州的议员们正考虑于6月1日返回国会大厦 6月11日 恢复2020年立法会议. 而5月14日的回归日期也已浮出水面, 看起来6月的日期更有可能, 在该州6月9日推迟的初选仅两天后,立法者就会回到国会大厦. 提议的日期是6月11日 还没有确认 和 will have to be approved by both Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan 和 House Speaker David Ralston, 本周早些时候谁任命了 委员会 为立法机构的回归做计划.  

格鲁吉亚大会自3月13日以来一直暂停, 也就是通常40天疗程的第29天. 而大多数年份,立法机关的会议持续了整整40天, their only constitutional requirement is to pass the state's amended budget, 哪些必须在6月30日财政年度结束前完成. In addition to the 2021 budget, hundreds of additional bills, including 众议院第545号法案《正规博彩网站评级》仍悬而未决.



Farmers across the Southeast are experiencing uncertain times like never before. All aspects of agriculture have been hit by market losses due to COVID-19, but 乳制品 has reached a level of uncertainty that many have never experienced.

在接下来的几个月里, 整个东南部的奶制品生产商都聚集在一起,推出了“农民对农民支持计划”." If you find that you need support or would like to talk to a fellow farmer or industry friend, 他们有几位愿意并且能够提供帮助的志愿者. Georgia Milk Producers has also put together a packet on the program that you can access by clicking 在这里

For more information on the program, please reach out to Farrah Newberry at gamilkproducers@gmail.com. 


帮助直接支持受当前危机影响的农民, 美国农田信托基金(AFT)正在启动一项新的农民救济基金. 该基金100%的捐款将直接捐给农民.

  • AFT’s Farmer 救援 Fund will award farmers with cash grants of up to $1,000 each to help them weather the current storm of market disruptions caused by the coronavirus crisis.

  • Initially, eligible applicants include any small 和 mid-size direct-market producers. These are defined as producers with annual gross revenue of between $10,000 和 $1 million from sales at farmers markets 和/or direct sales to restaurants, 酒店老板, 学校, 商店, 或者使用农产品作为投入的制造商.
  • 应用程序(链接 在这里 在这两个 英语 和 西班牙语)简单容易完成,但包括足够的细节,以确保AFT授予最需要的生产商. 申请人将被要求估计他们的经济损失.
  • AFT预计第一轮申请将延长至4月23日, 拨款从5月1日开始发放.

For more information on the fund 和 to apply, visit AFT's website by clicking 在这里.


如果你还没有,请花点时间参加2020年人口普查. This year is the first year that you can take the census online by clicking 在这里. To see how your community is doing in reaching a "complete count" of its citizens, click 在这里.

人口普查网站是安全、可靠和保密的. 人口普查为立法者提供了关键数据, 企业主, 老师, 还有许多人用来提供日常服务, 产品, 支持你和你的社区. The results of the census also determine the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives, 和 they are used to draw congressional 和 state legislative districts.

In addition to shaping legislative districts, the census dictates how key funds are distributed. 联邦政府根据人口分配给各州超过6750亿美元用于医疗保健, 食物, 教育, 和道路. 利用人口普查数据推动资金的主要项目包括:

  • 联邦医疗援助计划(FMAP)
  • 补充营养援助计划
  • 医疗亚洲体育博彩平台B部分
  • 公路规划与建设
  • 联邦佩尔助学金计划
  • 合作推广服务




有五人有资格参加将在乔治亚州参议院第四区举行的特别选举,以填补杰克·希尔参议员本月早些时候不幸去世后留下的空缺. The election will be held in conjunction with the state's primary elections, 已经改到周二了吗, 6月9日.

Those who qualified for the seat include Middle Judicial Circuit Chief Judge Kathy S. 帕尔默 of Swainsboro; Dr. 斯科特Bohlke, a practicing physician from Brooklet; Billy 西克曼, 他是斯泰茨伯勒公司Dabbs的注册会计师和合伙人, 西克曼, Hill 和 Cannon; Tattnall County Gulf War Army veteran Neil Singleton; 和 Stephen Jared Sammons of Emanuel County, 今年谁即将从法学院毕业. 帕尔默, 西克曼, Singleton 和 Bohlke are running as Republicans while Sammons is running as an independent.

The election will be held on 6月9日 on the General Primary with a runoff on August 11 if needed. 参议院席位将于11月11日再次出现. 3人投票选举两年任期的州参议员.

第四参议院选区包括布洛克, 烛台, Effingham, 埃文斯, 以及伊曼纽尔县和塔特纳尔县的部分地区. To check your voter registration status or to register to vote, please click 在这里.